Saturday, July 21, 2012

IX enterprise financing strategy - Gold station & Enterprise strategy

After enterprise implementation in practice of continuous exploration and summary, enterprise financing way of diversifying, really helps enterprise successfully raised community funds. I start from the perspective of financing strategies, summarizes and analyzes a variety of common mode of financing.


Policy: innovation financing leasing


So-called innovative lease financing, because it is different from traditional financing leases. Innovative financing leasing enterprises in the case of insufficient funds, the introduction of equipment, expanded production, rapid production, flexible features, you can also enable enterprises to enjoy tax repayment concessions before, enterprises of the fixed asset instead of has, just use, with a small margin can use the device to enable value-added rather than precipitate in the flow of funds to investment in fixed assets. Its action method can be: from Shanghai SME service centre leading orchid grower, business equipment lease relationship with the Gold Coast rental company, Shanghai Branch provide insured-85% performance guarantee, loans for commercial banks to provide leasing company equipment. Objective general single lease not exceeding 5 million dollars for a period not to exceed two years. While leasing company also manufacturers repurchase and individual credit guarantee two magic weapons to control the risks. Therefore in mobilizing financial resources and credit to provide high security, which is a major initiative in the Shanghai financial leasing.


Strategy two: arrives in the intangible assets pledged


Many new high-tech SMEs, intangible assets, owns patents, literary property rights to small and medium enterprises try to this property as collateral to obtain bank loans. A commercial bank to gene product development rights as loan collateral, the expert on gene products to assess the market value of the intellectual property rights in proceeds, and based on this, determine the value of the collateral and credit line. Through the Pledgor and the pledgee of written contracts and handle the relevant pledge registration, allowing the high-tech enterprise have timely access to needed liquidity in the 20 million Yuan.


Strategy three: movable managed


For mass production and trade enterprise, in the absence of suitable real estate as collateral, and some plant was rented, the land is rented, without collateral to finance for such enterprises, now invites the social assets assessment, managed approach to obtain bank loans by your hosting company.


It is learnt that the most acceptable asset management company entrusted by enterprises, on seasonal inventory of raw, assessing product warehouse, managed, and then based on this value, and then provide the corresponding value of the security, this solved the contradiction of enterprise loan guarantee, and enable enterprises to temporarily ?dead? make an inventory of assets, accelerating capital flows, improve return on assets.


Strategy four: Union of mutual surety


SME assistance guarantee Union focus on enterprise finance guarantee and counter-guarantee problems in the process. It is an assessment of the advantages of credit, more to enjoy for a long time. Mutual insurance of similar quality and size of enterprises and guarantee costs savings, lower financing costs. At present Shanghai has formed an early form of come in two forms:


Firstly, the Civil Association of credit. For example, Shanghai public security AG launched, through mutual assistance and to expand credit and financing capabilities and provide credit counseling services to the community, to provide mutual aid Association of enterprises financing guarantee. Major SME working capital loan guarantee, discount guarantee issued acceptance guarantee, fixed assets loan guarantees, State-owned enterprise reform loan guarantees, MBO, such as loan guarantees.


Secondly, SME credit guarantee Union. Shanghai SME service centre and a joint German, for instance, rising credit rating companies enabled each, for the same two companies with financing needs in financing in the course of mutual guarantee and counter-guarantee, to suffer smallness enterprise credit guarantee Union to form, the realization enterprise financing in the course of mutual insurance. To control the risk, through the mutual form of financing of enterprises must be excellent credit enterprise and shall be assessed by the credit rating company credit, a grade above are eligible to join.


Strategy five: production equipment loan


Dominated by a public company to develop this variety, opens up new forms of insurance companies involved in corporate finance. Its main form is produced by mechanical means mortgage, while promoting the growth of manufacturing equipment sales, solving the lack of enterprise new reset and update the device conflicts. For new and updated equipment enlarged the production scale of SMEs enhance the competitiveness of products and providing a channel for financing. Actions generally are limited to no more than 5 million Yuan, 6-24 months, mortgage applicants apply to the equipment vendors offered to buy equipment, at the same time making loan application to the Bank. Bank examination after the auditing of insurance companies, insurance policy issued by the insurance company to the Bank and the applicant, the applicant bank equipment mortgage formalities, and then processed by the Bank loans to pay dealers, dealer equipment given to the applicant. Benefits of borrowing enterprise is: find someone a loan guarantee insurance company; buy low price equipment dealers in the prior commitments.

Strategy six: National Innovation Fund

Technology SME technology innovation fund was approved by the State Council established to support science and technology SME technology innovation Special Fund of the Government. Through grants, subsidized loans and capital inputs, enabling and promoting science and technology small and medium enterprises technology innovation activities.

According to the different characteristics of small and medium enterprises and projects, Innovation Fund supports mainly:

(A) loan discount: to have attained a level of size and efficiency of innovation projects, discount approach taken in principle supports the use of bank loans in order to expand the scale of production. Generally based on loan amount annual interest subsidies given to the 50%~100%, total discount is generally not more than 1 million Yuan, individual projects may not exceed 2 million Yuan.

(B) unpaid finance: mainly used in small and medium enterprises in technological innovation of product research, development and pilot phases of the necessary subsidies, researchers to bring science and technology achievements transformation of achievements in entrepreneurship subsidies, grants amounting to less than 1 million dollars.

(Iii) capital investment: on a small number of high starting point, has a wider connotation of innovation, follow-up to the high level of innovation and innovation potential, is expected to put in a larger market, is expected to form a new project, capital costs.

High-tech enterprises may apply for access to this type of direct financing, declare an intermediary service organization may entrust the municipal science and Technology Commission specified when handling formalities, and County Council authorities recommended, expert demonstration of declared material organized by the science and Technology Commission, specialized agencies, audit, the filter, and then reported that the Ministry of science and technology in fund management centre reviews, assessment.

Policy VII: international market development funds

SMEs in opening up the international market may apply for international market development funds, which is shared by the Central Finance and local finance arrangements of special funds devoted to supporting SMEs in opening up the international market. Shanghai Municipal foreign economic and Trade Committee and local authorities of the financial international market development funds. Foreign economic and Trade Committee is responsible for the operational management of market development funds, the financial sector is responsible for market development funds budget, allocation, supervision, and so on.

Market pioneering funds priority support of object is: 1. focus-oriented Latin America, African, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, emerging international market of expand activities; 2. focus support high-tech and electromechanical products export Enterprise expand international market activities; 3. support export-oriented SMEs made quality management system certification, environment management system certification and products certification, international certification; 4. support has autonomous intellectual property of famous export; 5. support has was quality management system certification, environment management system certification and products certification of SMEs of international market expand activities, as participate in outside exhibition, trade fair, outside voted (on the) marked,.

The funds support pro bono support and risk support in two ways. Exports in the total below $ 15 million over the previous year, have the status of enterprise legal persons and the right to operate import and export enterprises may submit an application to appropriate authorities in July each year.

Strategy VIII: pawn financing

Mortgage is a mortgage on real, made in the form of in-kind transfers ownership of the temporary loan financing. Its advantages: almost zero credit requirements for SMEs, focused only on the pawned items are genuine. But you can pledge both movable and immovable property for; pawning items low starting point, thousands, hundred of items can be when. Pawn financing procedure is simple, mostly lidengkequ, even real estate mortgage, also many convenient than banks; don?t ask, loan purpose, money is free to use. The cycle, can greatly improve the rate of use of funds. It comes down to, more appropriate funding requirements are not great, but get very anxious business financing. Shanghai Oriental pawn financing pawning has long.

Policy: venture capital

Current venture-capital firms, venture capital funds have sprung up in China for a number of innovative SMEs with strong financial support.


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