Friday, December 23, 2011

God Forbid that Jimmy Carter Sent Condolences to Kim Jong Un (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Former President Jimmy Carter has allegedly sent condolences to the new dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, over his loss, and wished him "every success" in the new role, which the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported, according to Business Insider Dec. 21. The Washington Times reported that a Carter Center spokeswoman won't be around until next year to verify or deny the story for the newspaper as of Dec 21.

Let's hope Carter didn't. For if he did, God forbid, it will make the former president look not only foolish in general, but even more foolish to the right wing in this country, who constantly trashes his presidency and/or mentions him along with President Barack Obama, like Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., did Dec. 20, on the Fox News show "On the Record," according to Fox News' website.

When a cruel despot (e.g., Kim Jong Il, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, etc.) dies, who in their right frame of mind thinks about going to their local Hallmark store to buy a card and/or send out some other communicative message of condolences and well wishes to those deceased's survivors?

Certainly, a high-profile former politician in the United States should not incite North Korea with "glad he's dead" rhetoric during the nation's time of grieving, which is lasting 13 days, according to the Arirang. It's wise to say nothing and keep the condolences cards in the drawer.

And what kind of political leader who values freedom would make wishes of "every success" to Kim Jong Un? What does that exactly mean? That this new strongman keep up his father's deeds of brainwashing, oppressing, and starving his people out of existence? Up to a million people died from a major famine that occurred over 10 years ago and the country is facing more famine, The Telegraph reported last summer.

Even the Obama Administration hasn't offered any public condolences to North Korea. For according to the Voice of America, the White House was focused on words about fostering stability in the Korean peninsula in the reaction rather than sending condolences or well wishes.

Anyone who would send condolences for one of the vilest human beings who's ever slithered along this earth should really think twice about that.

Say it isn't so, President Carter.


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